Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Youth Conference

A couple of weeks ago we had our wards youth conference. It was a fabulous time. My husband is YM Pres and I serve in YW. It's a lot of fun to serve together. We started our youth conference on a Fri afternoon. We had the kids start with a fun game called Road Rally. They were split into teams and they had to do different types of tasks on this, it was kind of like a scavenenger hunt. It took 2 hrs for them to finish. They had to do different things like a chinese fire drill, sing a primary song to someone putting gas in their car and getting a married couple to kiss. They had a blast doing this. Here are pics of them in their teams.

After that we came back to our house and had a BBQ in the backyard with everyone. Yummy!

After the BBQ & playing games at the school by our house until it was dark, we came back to our house and watched a movie on our garage door. We watched Forever Strong. It was really fun to watch it outside. Props to Jess and Jason for hooking us up with that!

We had the youth come over the next morning for breakfast at our house before heading up the canyon.

After breakfast we headed up the canyon to our day camp spot in Cottonwood Canyon. It was a nice spot with lots of trees and shade and picnic benches with a big fire pit in the middle.

The kids went on a 5 mile hike up Cottonwood Canyon. The kids did great!

Eating lunch at the top of the mountain on our hike.

There was a lake at the top of the hike that we went on. Some of the kids really enjoyed getting wet and playing in it.

The kids cooling off after the hike at a creek just by our camp spot.

Chillin and visiting after the hike.

After they relaxed for a bit after the hike, we had them do some different activites around the camp area. This activity they had to match the names with the prophets as fast as they could.

This game they were blind folded and had to find an item without any help. When they got frustrated they could have their team mates talk them through finding the item.

This game they had to jump over this rope that had bells without ringing the bells on the rope. They had to get their whole team over and see how fast they could do it. They loved this game.

Enjoying a great dinner before our fireside and speaker program started. We asked my old Stake Pres that I grew up with Pres Buttars to be our speaker that night. He is such a powerful speaker and motivator. He has been a mission president and had a lot of great stories for us. I know he really got through to a lot of our kids. They couldn't quit talking about him.

On our way home after an awesome weekend and day. We are so blessed to be able to work and interact with these kids. Me and Lloyd feel like their parents, we don't stop worrying or thinking about them. They are the best youth.


Cindy said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun. You got lots of good pics. Thats so cool that you and Lloyd both have that calling.

Lia said...

What fun! I love that you get to serve together. I loved my years in Young Women's. I hope they put me there again some day. You really grow to love those you serve.