Friday, June 27, 2008

Help!! What to do with kids during summer???

My kids are already starting to get bored this summer. They are starting to fight and drive me crazy! We have gone swimming at the outdoor pool. I've thought about taking them to the dollar movies. We've gone to the drive in movies ( so much fun!) & have been to Lagoon. Any other suggestions of fun things your doing with your kids this summer??? I would love to know.


NatNeedham said...

Yeah! I get to leave your first comment!!! How are you? My kids drive me nuts in the summer also! We go to the park a lot... have you been to the one on 7800 S. Redwood Rd.? It's a great one. There is also Sky High, it's a bounce place. We also like ot go to Classic Sakting and Waterpark, it's pretty cheap and the kids can do the slides by themselves. Hope you have a great summer!

Lia said...

I'm gearing up for the summer myself. Kowhai's not out of school until Tuesday. Then I'm getting ready to work them like dogs, if they've been very very good, we'll play like crazy!! Tee hee, I know, I'm no help at all!!

Jill said...

Hey Kristi, the bad news the summers just begun!! I can't wait for summer to be over and Lorin to start Kindergarten. But theres this water park in Herriman that has water fountains spirting up and out and over. We went there the other day for the first time and that was really fun for the kids. But one things that has been a staple so far this summer is the slip n slide. The kids just dont tire of it, they're still young tho. Good luck and if you hear anything really good pass it on :)

Tara said...

Dude I have no advice. My kid is too small and we just stay inside most days to avoid the raging heat! I say keep up the swimming and keep building that beautiful tan!

Love you, love the blog!!

Katie said...

My sister-in-law is putting together a "bored" jar with fun ideas and with some chores too. She´ll have the kids take a paper everytime they pull the "I´m bored" card.